Thanks Lee. Thoroughly enjoyed the video.

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If it helps, the presentation starts 16 minutes into the video and ends at 1 minute after the hour, that is, it lasts 45 minutes. The rest is very interesting (specially the Q&A period) but if you don't have time you can at least listen to the talk.

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Yes. And the link in my note starts ten and a half minutes into the video, which skips introductions etc.

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It would be better to read this than to listen to a 90-minute speech.

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The library’s website says that a transcript will be available, but I haven’t been able to find it. If the transcript is manually prepared (more accurate than auto-generated transcripts), perhaps it will take a bit of time for it to be created. I’ll keep a lookout for it and will post if I find it. The speech itself is less than 90 minutes. About the first 10 minutes is introductions (the link I provided skips over that) and there is Q&A at the end. Personally, I found her delivery to be an important part of the experience.

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